Intrepid Izzy to return in "Izzy's Arcade" - Dreamcast release Likely!
 Senile Team's 2021 Dreamcast action-platformer Intrepid Izzy is the definition of an "indie darling" in the Sega Dreamcast world, as evidenced by the fact it secured first place in the Top 25 Dreamca...
Dreamcast Millennium Cup - The Celebrity Football Competition Lost to Time
 I love a bit of footy. I also love the Dreamcast. When the two collide, I sit up and take notice. Indeed, over the years here at the Dreamcast Junkyard, we've pored over the various digital represent...
Dream Disc '24: Dreamcast Homebrew Game Jam Winners Revealed!
 It's been a couple of months since Dream Disc '24 —a brand new homebrew development jam for the Sega Dreamcast— wrapped up, providing us with a variety of awesome new software for our favourite w...
The Dreamcast Games We Want Back Online the Most
 In the late 1990s, with the bitter taste of the Saturn's commercial flop lingering in their mouth, and the looming presence of a gargantuan new competitor on the scene, the folks at Sega rallied roun...
Hands On with the Retro Fighters D6 Wireless Dreamcast Fighting Game Pad
 The Sega Dreamcast's library is home to a lot of exceptional games, but one of its biggest strengths is undoubtedly fighters. Such standouts as Power Stone, Marvel vs. Capcom 2 and Soulcalibur immedi...
Dream Disc '24 Dreamcast Game Jam - A Showcase of All 24 Entries!
 The entry period for the first ever Dream Disc game jam —a homebrew jam for the Sega Dreamcast— came to an end on January 3rd. Organised by Cypress of PsyOp Studios, and Ross Kilgariff of Orc Fa...
Segagaga Encore: A Fan Recreation for PC - Alpha Footage Released!
 Back in June, while scrolling the paragraphs of conversation that populate the Dreamcast-Talk Segagaga forum thread, I came upon a post from a developer known as Rengundo, who mentioned that he was...
Doom 64 for Dreamcast: Impressions and Developer Interview
 See, before I got my Dreamcast in November 1999 I owned a Nintendo 64. I couldn't get a Dreamcast at launch because my dear old mother (God rest her soul) forbade me from owning more than one console...
An Interview with Tetsu "Tez" Okano - the Mastermind behind Cult Dreamcast RPG Segagaga
 There isn't a day that goes by in the Sega Dreamcast community where someone doesn't ask when an English fan translation of Hitmaker's 2001 Japan-exclusive Segagaga —the RPG simulation title where...
Grand Theft Auto 3 for the Dreamcast - DCA3 Alpha Version Now Available
 Japanese cover art mock-up courtesy of Dreamcast-Talk user k-do.Most of you will likely know that a port of Grand Theft Auto III for the Sega Dreamcast has been in the works for some months now. Ind...
Merry 'Castmas! - The Festive Games of the Sega Dreamcast
 This time last year, I had almost no time to enjoy the holiday festivities. I was unable to put up a tree or lights, let alone restore holiday cheer to Twin Seeds City. Rather, we were swamped with u...