You Had One Job! - European Dreamcast Game Box Screw-ups
Thumbnail Since the beginning of time - well, gaming - video games have come in boxes with artwork. The artwork was put there to sell the experience to you, to convince you why the game inside that box was the...
  By Michael Rogers
Dreamcast Gaming on the High Street Stock CEXchange
Thumbnail This article is not endorsed by or sponsored by CeX.

With it being harder and harder to find retro games in the wild, especially PAL Dreamcast titles with an intact case, retro gaming is becoming an...
  By Michael Rogers
The Dreamcast Directory: Websites We Love in 2024
Thumbnail Late last year, in a gratuitous act of procrastination, I authored a piece for the Junkyard that surveyed the hefty range of Dreamcast websites that had sprung up in the console’s “post-Sega” e...
  By Laurence Goodchild
Sturmwind Reissue coming from VGNYsoft - Includes Sturmwind VMU Shell!
Thumbnail  Duranik's shooter Sturmwind is renowned by Dreamcast fans the world over, often seen as the best indie game on the console - whilst it held onto second place in both our 2016 and 2024 Top Dreamcast...
  By Lewis Cox
GladMort: New Kickstarter from JoshProd/PixelHeart!
Thumbnail It's been a little under a year since SEGA Dreamcast indie scene stalwart publisher Pixelheart (also known as JoshProd) last released something new for the console, with their most recent release And...
  By Lewis Cox
Orc Face Games: New SEGA Dreamcast Indie Game Publisher from HarleQuest! Developer
Thumbnail The Kickstarter for Ross Kilgariff's 3D Dreamcast dungeon crawler HarleQuest! may have launched on April Fool's Day 2023, but it is quite clear from the community hype surrounding it that it is defin...
  By Lewis Cox
Let's Take a Look at Replacement Dreamcast VMU Shells - Kickstarter from VGNYsoft
Thumbnail  Back on the 14th of March, VGNYsoft (aka Videogamesnewyork) launched their Kickstarter for replacement Dreamcast VMU (Visual Memory Unit) shells. These new VMU shells are formed of five parts, will...
  By Lewis Cox
Top 12 Disney Games on the Sega Dreamcast
Thumbnail The Sega Dreamcast's short lifespan (relatively speaking) didn't lend itself to a large number of "big" licenses coming to the console. Alongside Sega's own franchises, we received a third-party line...
  By Spaceturnip
Online Multiplayer discovered in Spirit of Speed 1937!
Thumbnail Incredibly, the most infamous racing title on the Dreamcast, Spirit of Speed 1937 - the Dark Souls of racing games itself - had online multiplayer all along, and we had no idea.As many of you know,...
  By James Harvey
10 Very British Games for the Sega Dreamcast
Thumbnail The British are an odd bunch. We're not really a country (look we're not, you have to admit it. It's like someone got a bunch of nations together who don't really like each other all that much, told...
  By Spaceturnip
Thumbnail  In the most exciting crossover since Jay-Z and Linkin Park did Collision Course, in episode 129 of our podcast, the DreamPod, Brian and Lewis are joined by two stalwarts of both the Sega Saturn and...
  By Lewis Cox
Replacement VMU Shells head to Kickstarter - VGNYsoft give us the Lowdown!
Thumbnail  Based out of New York video game boutique Videogamesnewyork, publisher VGNYsoft have been well known in the Dreamcast scene for a long time now for publishing a whole load of indie games stateside...
  By Lewis Cox
Star Wars: Dream of the Rebellion - Rogue Squadron Inspired Prototype Playable on Dreamcast!
Thumbnail As casual Star Wars fans tie themselves in knots with questions such as "who shot first? Han Solo or Greedo?", homebrew developer Frogbull is asking the real questions. There were three Star Wars gam...
  By Lewis Cox
Kickstarter launches for Ambitious Multi-Platform RPG “Breath of Thunder” - includes Dreamcast stretch goal!
Thumbnail Update (11/03/2024): Due to online feedback, the creator of this Kickstarter has pulled all the stretch goals for retro systems, including Dreamcast.It must be Dreamcast Kickstarter launch fever rece...
  By Lewis Cox
Fragmented Almanac: Teaser Trailer and an Interview with Developer Roby Provost
Thumbnail Last month, the Junkyard office was abuzz with excitement when we caught wind of the news that Fragmented Almanac, a compilation of two eerie narrative-based puzzle games, was soon due to be released...
  By Laurence Goodchild